Dreams of White Tiles . . .


Unexpected Shiny Things

Filed under: Uncategorized — Roddy @ 11:39 pm

Cadre A: Comrade, we still have significant funds in the city beautification account
Cadre B: Well, there’s the underside of a bridge over the canal near my apartment that’s looking a bit rundown.
Cadre A: Ah yes, is that the one carrying the big wide road with inadequate pedestrian crossings?
Cadre B: Yes, with the pot-holed pavements . . .
Cadre A: Well, let’s light up the underside of that bridge then . . .

Got to love it . . .


  1. wow!! i dont get to see sth so bizaare everyday!

    looks like a ‘tong qian’ coin–chinese type, round in shape with a square slot in middle to represent the land contained by heaven.

    it also looks like a strange movie that shows you the way in…to become part of the plot…

    It’s so ace weird.

    where are you lately? its friday night, and I dont see you!

    Comment by mox — 1/13/2007 @ 8:44 am

  2. ok i do away with my comments
    i suspect you wont see them all.

    i miss you.

    Comment by mox — 1/13/2007 @ 8:44 am

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